About us

International Ravensbrück Committee – Who We Are

The International Ravensbrück Committee (IRC) is an association of former prisoners of the Nazi concentration camp Ravensbrück and its sub camps. The survivors are also partially members of individual national associations.

In 2020 the following countries are represented in the Committee: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Denmark, Slovenia, Spain, and the Ukraine.

For more than sixty years of the existence of the Committee the membership has been composed of mainly survivors of the concentration camp, their daughters, and other engaged women and men who dedicate themselves to preserving the memory in Europe.

The IRC is registered as an association in Paris. The Committee elects a presidium.

National associations are independent from the IRC and regularly report on the memory work in their countries.

The International Ravensbrück Committee holds annual meetings in different European countries where former prisoners from Ravensbrück live nowadays; and where the memory of the deportations is kept alive and the victims of the fascist regime are respected.

The focus of the committee's work is to commemorate the courage and suffering of women and to remind today's generation to do everything possible so that war, fascism and racism do not repeat themselves. It also conducts its own projects, for example the exibition “Faces of Europe” after an idea of the IRK- member Dr.Insa Eschebach, head of the memorial ( opening, April 2020).

The IRC belongs to the signatories of the Heritage of the international Concentration-Camp Communities of 2009: "Preserve Remembrance – Conserve authentic Places – Assume Responsibility".

The IRC is co-organizer of the annual liberation celebrations in the Ravensbrück Memorial.