Thanks to all friends and supporters

The International Ravensbrück Committee would like to thank the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany for the financial support in creating this website.

The editorial board of the International Ravensbrück Committee would like to thank all scientists, editors, authors and publishers, the Documentation Center Austrian Resistance (DÖW), Vienna and the National Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück (MGR) for the content-related support they gave in creating the website have given.

Special thanks go to Prof. Dr. Jacobeit, Dr. Bärbel Schindler-Saefkow, Dr. Helga Amesberger, Dr. Henning Fischer, Ms. Loretta Walz, Mr. Rainer Mayerhofer, Mr. Manfred Mugrauer, Ms. Dr. Elisabeth Boeckl-Klamper, Ms. Irene Filip, Mr. Christof Werneke, Ms. Ingrid Schiborowski, Ms. Constanze Jaiser and Jacob David Pampuch for the free preparation and provision of important contributions, the content, the photos, the free translations, the rights to publish, good Advice and more.

The photographer Wolfgang Reiher has already supported the work of former prisoners several times with his expressive and professional pictures, including the design of this website (

We would like to especially thank Elisa de Paolis for the design of the website and Milan Pogadl for programming and help with setting the content.

The texts and biographies presented here make no claim to the completeness of the information due to their brevity. Incorrect representations or omissions are unintentional. The editorial board of the International Ravensbrück Committee is happy to receive comments and additions.

The rights to the photos and texts are held by MGR, the DÖW, the specified publishers, the authors of the website and, in many cases, private photo archives. Any further publication and / or reuse requires the permission of the copyright holder.